### javascript 中的运算符
javascript 中的运算符是用于对值和变量执行运算的特殊符号。这些操作可以涉及算术、赋值、比较、逻辑和其他操作。了解运算符对于执行基本计算、比较和控制代码流程至关重要。
javascript 支持多种运算符,它们分为以下类型:
### 1. **算术运算符**
operator | description | example |
addition | 5 3 → 8 | |
- | subtraction | 5 - 3 → 2 |
* | multiplication | 5 * 3 → 15 |
/ | pision | 5 / 3 → 1.666... |
% | modulus (remainder) | 5 % 3 → 2 |
** | exponentiation | 5 ** 2 → 25 |
let a = 10; let b = 2; console.log(a + b); // output: 12 console.log(a - b); // output: 8 console.log(a * b); // output: 20 console.log(a / b); // output: 5 console.log(a % b); // output: 0 console.log(a ** b); // output: 100
2. 赋值运算符**
operator | description | example |
= | assign value | x = 5 |
= | add and assign | x = 3 → x = x 3 |
-= | subtract and assign | x -= 2 → x = x - 2 |
*= | multiply and assign | x *= 4 → x = x * 4 |
/= | pide and assign | x /= 2 → x = x / 2 |
%= | modulus and assign | x %= 3 → x = x % 3 |
**= | exponentiation and assign | x **= 2 → x = x ** 2 |
let x = 10; x += 5; // x = x + 5 -> 15 x *= 2; // x = x * 2 -> 30 console.log(x); // output: 30
### 3. **比较运算符**
比较运算符用于比较值并根据条件返回布尔值(true 或 false)。
operator | description | example |
== | equal to (loose) | 5 == '5' → true |
=== | equal to (strict) | 5 === '5' → false |
!= | not equal to (loose) | 5 != '5' → false |
!== | not equal to (strict) | 5 !== '5' → true |
> | greater than | 5 > 3 → true |
less than | 5 | |
>= | greater than or equal | 5 >= 5 → true |
less than or equal | 5 |
console.log(5 == '5'); // output: true (loose comparison) console.log(5 === '5'); // output: false (strict comparison) console.log(10 > 5); // output: true console.log(3 <= 2); // output: false
### 4. **逻辑运算符**
operator | description | example |
&& | logical and | true && false → false |
` | ` | |
! | logical not | !true → false |
#### 示例:
let a = true; let b = false; console.log(a && b); // output: false console.log(a || b); // output: true console.log(!a); // output: false
### 5. **一元运算符**
operator | description | example |
increment | x → x = x 1 | |
-- | decrement | x-- → x = x - 1 |
typeof | type of operand | typeof x → number |
void | evaluates expression without returning a value | void(0) |
#### 示例:
let x = 10; console.log(++x); // output: 11 (pre-increment) console.log(x--); // output: 11 (post-decrement) console.log(typeof x); // output: number
### 6. **三元(条件)运算符
**三元运算符是 if...else 语句的简写。它评估一个条件并根据条件是真还是假返回两个值之一。
operator | description | example |
condition ? expr1 : expr2 | if condition is true, return expr1; otherwise, return expr2 | x > 10 ? 'greater' : 'lesser' |
*#### 示例:
let age = 18; let result = age >= 18 ? 'adult' : 'minor'; console.log(result); // output: adult
### 7. **位运算符
operator | description | example |
& | and | 5 & 3 → 1 |
` | ` | or |
^ | xor | 5 ^ 3 → 6 |
~ | not | ~5 → -6 |
left shift | 5 | |
>> | right shift | 5 >> 1 → 2 |
>>> | unsigned right shift | 5 >>> 1 → 2 |
*#### 示例:
let a = 5; // binary: 101 let b = 3; // binary: 011 console.log(a & b); // output: 1 (binary: 001) console.log(a | b); // output: 7 (binary: 111) console.log(a << 1); // output: 10 (binary: 1010)
### 8. **扩展运算符 (...)
*#### 示例:
let arr1 = [1, 2, 3]; let arr2 = [...arr1, 4, 5]; console.log(arr2); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] let obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 }; let obj2 = { ...obj1, c: 3 }; console.log(obj2); // Output: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
### 结论
javascript 运算符是执行计算、比较和逻辑运算的基础。无论您是操纵值、比较它们还是控制程序流程,理解这些运算符对于高效编码都至关重要。根据您的任务使用正确的运算符,以确保代码干净且可读。
嗨,我是 abhay singh kathayat!
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